Ringo – Day Tripper

Ringo - Day Tripper
Compra a Dues Tasses

El grup tribut a The Beatles, Ringo, interpreta la cançó Day Tripper a la Gala en Benefici de la Federación Española de Padres de Niños Con Cáncer a l’Auditori de Castalla.

Got a good reason, for taking the easy way out
Got a good reason, for taking the easy way out, now

She was a day….. tripper, one way ticket, yeah!
It took me so….. long to find out, and I found out

She’s a big teaser, she took me half the way there
She’s a big teaser, she took me half the way there, now

She was a day…. tripper, one way ticket, yeah!
It took me so…. long to find out, and I found out

Tried to please her, she only played one night stands
Tried to please her, she only played one night stands, now

She was a day…. tripper, Sunday driver, yeah!
It took me so…. long to find out, and I found out

Day tripper
Day tripper, yeah!

Day tripper
Day tripper, yeah!

visita Vi Natural
Ringo - Day Tripper


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